City of Northfield MN
File #: HPC Res. 2023-009    Version: 1 Name:
Type: HPC Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/14/2023 In control: Heritage Preservation Commission
On agenda: 5/3/2023 Final action:
Title: Certificate of Appropriateness for Signage at 502 Division St. S. - Holland Block.
Attachments: 1. 1 - HPC Resolution 2023-009, 2. 2 - Sign Plan, 3. 3 - Inventory Form
Meeting Date: May 3, 2023

To: Members of the Heritage Preservation Commission

From: Revee Needham, Assistant City Planner

Certificate of Appropriateness for Signage at 502 Division St. S. - Holland Block.

Action Requested:
The Heritage Preservation Commission is asked to review and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness (HPC Resolution 2023-009) for a wall sign and projecting sign for The Lux Medspa at 502 Division St. S. - Holland Block.

Summary Report:
The applicant, Jim Bohnhoff, is applying on behalf of the owner of the Lux MedSpa, Andrea Berube. The proposed signage is a 14' x 30" wall sign and a 10" x 46" projecting sign. The property is located at 502 Division St S. and the historic inventory form is attached. Attached are images of the current building and supporting documentation.

The Northfield city ordinances outline, in Chapter 34 - Land Development Code (LDC), Section 8.5.8, the Heritage Preservation Commission's Certificate of Appropriateness process and approval criteria. The HPC shall consider the following in evaluating an application for a certificate of appropriateness for a zoning certificate and/or building permit. Criterion (A) below must be met and criteria (B) through (G) shall be considered:
Criteria A, For all applications, the proposed action fully complies with all applicable requirements of this LDC;
Findings: The proposed action complies with the LDC. Further details on the applicable sections of the Northfield LDC is included below.
1. Size
A total of one and one-half square feet of signage for each lineal foot of building frontage shall be permitted. One additional square foot of signage shall be permitted for each lineal foot of land frontage. Not more than ten percent of each fa?ade in the C1-B, C2-B, or NC-F districts may be used for wall signage. The fa?ade area shall be determined by multiplying the total building width by the height of the wall or surface area.

Findings: The maximum allowed sign ar...

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