City of Northfield MN
File #: HPC Res. 2023-005    Version: 1 Name:
Type: HPC Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/22/2023 In control: Heritage Preservation Commission
On agenda: 5/3/2023 Final action:
Title: Certificate of Appropriateness for Steps at 302 Division St S. - Fire Station and City Hall.
Attachments: 1. 1 - HPC Resolution 2023-005, 2. 2 - Plans, 3. 3 - Inventory Form
Meeting Date: May 3, 2023

To: Members of the Heritage Preservation Commission

From: Revee Needham, Assistant City Planner

Certificate of Appropriateness for Steps at 302 Division St S. - Fire Station and City Hall.

Action Requested:
The Heritage Preservation Commission is asked to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness (HPC Resolution 2023-005) for a step and handrail at 302 Division St S. - Fire Station and City Hall Building.

Summary Report:
The applicant, Cody Larson, is applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA). The applicant owns the adjacent building, Jacob Sitze building, and is constructing a rear deck for Little Joy Coffee. The Little Joy Coffee deck is taller than the existing Contented Cow deck and per the Building Code, requires a step and handrail between the two decks. The property is located at 302 Division St S. (Fire Station and City Hall building) and the historic inventory form is attached. Attached is the proposed stair and railing plan. The new step will be the same material, wood, as the new Little Joy deck and the handrail will match the new decking rails of the Little Joy deck.

Because this is a minor project required by the Building Code, staff have placed the item on the consent agenda. The consent agenda was included in the Board/Commission Rules of Business adopted on April 4, 2023. As described in the Rules of Business,
"Consent agenda. The purpose of a consent agenda is to allow for routine motions, resolutions (if applicable), and ordinances (if applicable) to be passed with one motion when no discussion is needed. Board or Commission Members may ask questions for clarification of an item. If a Board or Commission Member wants to discuss an item, it should be removed from the consent agenda by advance notice by noon on the day immediately prior to the meeting date to the Chair and staff liaison, or without said prior notice, during the approval of the agenda.
* Consent agenda item titles will not be...

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