City of Northfield MN
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/7/2020 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-001 11. Closed Session ItemConsideration of Closed Meeting - 5:00 pm Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 13D.05, subd. 3 (c) to develop or consider offers or counteroffers for the purchase of real property located at 700 Hwy 3 North, Lot 1 Block 1 Sheldahl Industrial Park (PID 2231226003), and 440 Water St N.approvePass Action details Not available
20-002 12. MinutesDecember 3, 2019 City Council Meeting MinutesapprovePass Action details Video Video
20-003 13. PresentationPresentation on January 11, 2020 as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Northfield as part of National Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month.   Action details Video Video
Ord. 1008 14. OrdinanceConsider Ordinance Vacating Sanitary Sewer Easement in Lots 3 and 4, Block 48 of Original Town.approvePass Action details Not available
20-004 15. MotionConsider Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 1008 Vacating Sanitary Sewer Easement in Lots 3 and 4, Block 48, Original Town.   Action details Not available
20-005 16. MotionConsider Designation of Official Newspaper.   Action details Not available
20-006 17. MotionConsider Designation of Official Depository for the City of Northfield.   Action details Not available
20-007 18. MotionConsider Approval of Mayoral Board/Commission and Council Appointments.   Action details Not available
Res. 2020-001 19. ResolutionProclaim January 11, 2020 as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Northfield as part of National Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month.   Action details Not available
20-008 110. MotionConsider Approving Disbursements totaling $5,051,742.89.   Action details Not available
Res. 2020-002 111. ResolutionConsider Resolution of Support for Minnesota Investment Fund Application.   Action details Not available
Res. 2020-003 112. ResolutionConsider Resolution for the Lot Consolidation of 501 Washington Street and 503 Washington Street.   Action details Not available
20-009 113. MotionConsider Approving Costs for Mayor Pownell to attend the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference in Washington DC.   Action details Not available
20-010 115. MotionConsider Approval of Liquor Licenses for Manawa, LLC at 212 Division Str. S.   Action details Not available
20-011 116. MotionConsider Approving Costs for Councilor Nakasian to attend the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference in Washington DC.   Action details Not available
Res. 2020-005 117. ResolutionConsider Retaining Statutory Tort Limits   Action details Not available
Res. 2020-004 114. ResolutionCommunity Development Block Grant - Consider Adopting Resolution in Support of Fiscal Year 2020 Allotment of Program Funds.approvePass Action details Video Video
20-012 118. MotionConsideration of Election of President Pro Tem.approvePass Action details Video Video
Ord. 1009 119. OrdinanceConsider Ordinance Amending Northfield City Code, Chapter 30 - Health Care and Sanitation, Article II. - Tobacco (Tobacco 21 Ordinance)approve the first readingPass Action details Video Video
Res. 2020-006 120. ResolutionConsider Ordering the Improvement for the 2020 Mill and Overlay Project.   Action details Video Video
Res. 2020-007 121. ResolutionConsider Resolution Calling for Public Hearing on the Intention to Issue General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds and the Proposal to Adopt a 5-year Street Reconstruction Plan therefore.approvePass Action details Video Video
20-013 122. Information/Discussion ItemUpdate of Resolution for Request for Local Sales Tax Authorization from the State of Minnesota.   Action details Video Video
Res. 2020-006 120. ResolutionConsider Ordering the Improvement for the 2020 Mill and Overlay Project.approvePass Action details Video Video
20-014 123. Information/Discussion ItemCity Administrator’s Update.   Action details Not available