Date: May 18, 2023
To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Mikayla Schmidt, City Planner
Public Hearing for Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Application from MN CSG 2019-77 LLC for a 1MW Community Solar Garden.
Action Requested:
The Planning Commission is asked to conduct a public hearing to gather input on the requested Conditional Use Permit application from MN CSG 2019-77 LLC for a 1MW Community Solar Garden to be located at PID 43-02700-50-030.
Summary Report:
MN CSG 2019-77 LLC has applied for a Conditional Use Permit for a 1MW Community Solar Garden to be located at PID 43-02700-50-030. Consideration of a recommendation to City Council is scheduled following the public hearing.
Public hearing notices were mailed to property owners within 350' of PID 43-02700-50-030 on May 4, 2023. A copy of the public hearing mailing and location map are attached. The public hearing notice was published in the Northfield News on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
The following is the procedure of the public hearing per the City Council's adopted Rules of Business:
Public Hearing Procedure:
A Public Hearing is used by the Planning Commission to solicit the public's comments on various projects or City operation procedures.
A. The Chair will open the hearing by identifying the subject.
B. Staff Presentation - staff will give a presentation on the subject.
C. Applicant's Presentation - if needed.
D. Public Input - The public will have the opportunity to speak for or against the issue. The public may ask questions, make comments, voice support, agree or disagree with the issue.
1. The Chair will recognize a speaker and comments/conversation will be between the Chair and speaker; and between the Chair and Commissioners.
2. The speaker must give their name, address, and if representing a business, must give the name of the business or corporation. If an Attorney or consultant is representing a client, the client must be identified for...
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