City Council Meeting Date: February 4, 2025
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: Mikayla Schmidt, City Planner
David Bennett, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Consider Second Reading of Ordinance 1074 Vacating Right-of-Way Adjacent to 2000 Jefferson Road.
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council approves a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 1074 vacating right-of-way adjacent to 2000 Jefferson Road.
Summary Report:
The applicant, Ryan Blumhoefer & Schmitz Ophaug, LLP, have applied to vacate a portion of right-of-way (ROW) along the east side of 2000 Jefferson Rd. The ROW to be vacated is a remnant portion of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) No. 28, which is now known as Jefferson Rd.
The portion of ROW to be vacated is not needed by the city as part of the road or for sidewalk/trail use, and there are no public utilities within this portion of ROW. This portion of ROW also does not serve any other potential future use or need because of the location of this remnant from the CSAH No. 28 realignment. The potion of ROW vacated will then be consolidated to 2000 Jefferson Rd. to help facilitate Schmitz Ophaug, LLP with the development of 2000 Jefferson Rd. The addition of this ROW will help Schmitz Ophaug, LLP better utilize the lot for the construction of a new building. Schmitz Ophaug, LLP will then be able to locate the new building closer to Jefferson Rd. to help meet other zoning standards for the C2-B: Highway Commercial zoning district. It will also help potentially eliminate the need for a variance.
According to Northfield Municipal Code Section 15.6:
The council may by ordinance approved by at least five (5) members vacate any street, alley or other public grounds or part thereof within the city. Such vacation may be made only after published notice and an opportunity for affected property owners and public to be heard, and upon such further terms and by such procedures as the council by ...
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