City Council Meeting Date: December 3, 2019
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: Mikayla Schmidt, Interim City Planner
Approval of a Resolution for the Lot Consolidation of 112 5th Street East, 116 5th Street East and 510 Washington Street South.
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council approves the attached Resolution for a lot consolidation as proposed by Fifth Street Lofts, LLC to plat Lot 3, and the East ½ of Lots 4 and 5 of Block 48 with the West ½ of Lots 4 and 5, Block 48 in the Original Town.
Summary Report:
The applicant, Fifth Street Lofts, LLC, is requesting to consolidate three parcels into one parcel consisting of 0.76 acres zoned C1-B Downtown.
Premier Bank Metro South currently owns parcels 112 5th Street East and 116 5th Street East, and the Northfield Economic Development Authority owns 510 Washington Street South. The lot consolidation will facilitate the redevelopment of the southwest corner of 5th Street East and Washington St. S. The lot consolidation will not be recorded with Rice County until all three parcels are under the same ownership.
According to City Code Section 8.5.11 Review Procedures, the City Council can approve a Minor Subdivision as a Lot Division or Lot Consolidation through a Type 5 Review Procedure upon review by the Development Review Committee (DRC). The DRC met on November 12, 2019 and discussed the request. No concerns were raised from the Engineering and Community Development departments as part of the lot consolidation. Staff recommends approval of the lot consolidation.
Alternative Options:
The Council may choose to deny the application.
Financial Impacts:
Tentative Timelines:
The plat will be recorded after closing occurs and all three parcels are under the same ownership.