Planning Commission Meeting Date: December 19, 2024
To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Jake Reilly, Community Development Director
Mikayla Schmidt, City Planner
Erin Perdu, AICP, Principal, Stantec
Comprehensive Plan Draft Review and Discussion.
Action Requested:
Review and discuss the draft of the 2045-horizon Comprehensive Plan, including evaluation and recommendations associated with a future land use map.
Summary Report:
The Community Development Department and consultant team are pleased to present a draft of the 2045-horizon City of Northfield Comprehensive Plan. The Plan incorporates and expands upon the policy direction from 2008 Comprehensive Plan. It also intentionally includes and incorporates the policy directions and stated outcomes - and some strategies - that are relevant from plans adopted after 2008 like the Climate Action and the Riverfront Enhancement Action Plan.
This Comprehensive Plan document is different from previous iterations in that it is outcomes focused. This is intentional and designed to leave flexibility in implementation activities in order to most effectively meet the changing needs of the community, respond as quickly as possible to changing market conditions, technology, funding opportunities, and strategic direction as set by the Council and other advisory boards and commissions, including the Planning Commission.
The 2045-horizon Comprehensive Plan was initiated in October 2023 after a request for qualifications was issued. The plan is on-track to be adopted before the close of the first quarter of 2025.
Monthly reports have been shared through Planning Commission meetings, Steering Committee meetings, and the Comprehensive Plan website. City staff and consultant teams have also held meetings with multiple boards and commissions. The appointed 18-member steering committee and the Stantec/NEOO consultant team worked together to draft an engaging, easy to read and implement document that h...
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