City Council Meeting Date: February 11, 2025
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: David Bennett, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer
Justin Wagner, Utilities Manager
Discussion on the Water Treatment Plant.
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council discusses the water treatment plant.
Summary Report:
Project Summary Background
On January 21, 2025, the City Council rejected bids for the water treatment plant. Tonight, staff are bringing back the topic to present options for the City Council related to the water treatment plant. Ideally, staff would receive policy direction from the City Council about how the City wants to move forward on the project using one of the options. Or, alternatively, seek policy direction on other information or options to explore.
The City has levels of manganese above health-based guidance for infants under 1 year old that can cause learning and behavior issues. More specifically, three of five wells have been over the limit on a consistent basis. Our most recent sample has 3 of 5 wells over and a 4th well at 96.5ug/L. For reference, well 2 - 70.7 ug/L, well 3 - 140 ug/L, well 4 - 131 ug/L, well 5 - 96.5 ug/L and well 6 - 115 ug/L. If residents have infants under 1 year old, they should further treat their tap water prior to giving it to infants. The following are specific recommendations on how homeowners can remove manganese now in their drinking water at home:
Ways homeowners can remove manganese in their drinking water at home
o Use of a carbon filter rated to remove manganese at 150 ug/L to levels below 100 ug/L;
o Use of distilled water or a distillation system;
o A water filtration system rated to remove manganese at 150 ug/L to levels below 100 ug/L;
o A reverse osmosis water system or under the sink reserve osmosis system;
o Use of a water softener that is connected to your drinking water faucet.
Note: Most water softeners are not set up this way due to taste of so...
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