City Council Meeting Date: February 18, 2025
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: David E. Bennett, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Ice Arena Project Update/Cost Update in Preparation of Bidding.
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council receives an update on the Ice Arena.
Summary Report:
The City of Northfield approved the partnership framework with the City of Dundas, Northfield School District and Northfield Hockey Association on June 18, 2024, along with the contract for the architect.
On September 17, 2024, the project team gave an update to Council and shared interior layouts along with exterior building options. Since then, the project management team (PMT) have been meeting with the Architect JLG and Construction Manager RJM Construction to finalize the ice arena plans.
As part of the Construction Manager works, they were able to price check the design development plan set for the project, which is trending 15-20% above the project estimated budget of $20.9 Million. The PMT has been reviewing value engineering options and has initially identified about $900,000 in value engineering project saving.
JLG Architects along with RJM Construction will give an update on the project as the plans are being finalized before project bidding occurs in March. After all the bids are in, the updated Guaranteed Max Price will be updated as part of the construction manager contract.
A Representative from the Northfield Hockey Association will be present to provide an update on their fundraising and donation effort. As of late January, the NHA has indicated $2.8 Million in pledges and donations
Alternative Options:
* None recommended. The existing site and arena have been sold with proceeds allocated to new construction project. The lease on the existing building is through 2026 and was included in negotiations with the new owners for the City to vacate after completion of the new construction. They are planning for fu...
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