City of Northfield MN
File #: Res. 2025-016    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of a Lot Consolidation Creating Jefferson Road Addition.
Attachments: 1. 1 - Resolution
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City Council Meeting Date:                     February 4, 2025


To:                                          Mayor and City Council

                                          City Administrator


From:                                          Mikayla Schmidt, City Planner



Consideration of a Lot Consolidation Creating Jefferson Road Addition.



Action Requested:                     

The Northfield City Council is asked to approve the attached Resolution for a lot consolidation creating Jefferson Road Addition.


Summary Report:

Schmitz Ophaug, LLP, has submitted a lot consolidation application to join two parcels into one parcel. This consolidation is occurring in tandem with the vacation of the Jefferson Road public right-of-way (ROW) along the east side of the property. Schmitz Ophaug, LLP also applied to vacate a portion of the unused ROW. The second reading of the vacation is on the same Council agenda as this lot consolidation.


According to Article 8 of the Northfield Land Development Code (LDC), a minor subdivision follows a Type 5 review procedure. Type 5 review procedure decisions are made by the City Council with staff recommendation and do not require a public hearing at the Planning Commission. The approval criteria and findings are included in the resolution.


Staff Recommendation:

Staff recommends approval of Jefferson Road Addition with the condition the plat cannot be recorded until 30 days after the summary publication date of the vacation of the Jefferson Rd. public ROW.


Alternative Options:

The provisions of the Type 5 review procedure are met and therefore no alternative options are offered.


Financial Impacts:                     

No financial impacts will affect the City on this process. The consolidation of the lot will allow for development on the parcel which will incur a higher tax rate than it was previously as a residential home.


Tentative Timelines:                     

February 4, 2025:                     Second Reading of ROW Vacation & Lot Consolidation Review and Decision

February 12, 2025:                     Summary Publication in the Newspaper

March 14, 2025:                     Ordinance Takes Effect & Addition can be Recorded