PC Meeting Date: March 10, 2025
To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Mikayla Schmidt, City Planner
Jake Reilly, Community Development Director
Northfield 2045 Comprehensive Plan draft review and discussion
Action Requested:
Review and discuss revised draft of Northfield 2045, the city's Comprehensive Plan.
Summary Report:
This version of the draft Northfield 2045 Comprehensive Plan has been revised following two Planning Commission public hearings and three discussions at regular meetings of the Commission. The City Council most recently reviewed a draft and received an update at the February 11, 2025, meeting.
This version has background, analysis, and a policy direction or approach for all chapters of the plan. The remaining section to be completed is a tabular or graphic rendering connecting policy direction of the plan with how it can and will be implemented.
The policy direction of the document remains true to the historical approach to compact, and environmentally and financially sustainable approaches to development and redevelopment. Further, it addresses ensuring the safety of people traveling through and around Northfield, particularly those traveling outside of a motorized vehicle and strengthening economic opportunity for the community, and those who live, work, play and learn here. It is intended to strengthen relationships to other critical planning documents such as the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), along with some of the most recent planning efforts such as the Climate Action Plan and bicycle and pedestrian-related infrastructure planning. Additionally, staff is working to coordinate the shorter-term strategic plan efforts with the creation of this 20-year comprehensive planning document by embedding a menu of actions that could be contemplated by the City Council for incorporation into the metrics and outcomes for the shorter-term strategic plan. Aligning the two documents is intended to help ensure there are ...
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