City Council Meeting Date: June 9, 2017
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Ben Martig, City Administrator
Discussion and participation in further development of Strategic Plan (2018-2020).
Action Requested:
Not applicable.
Summary Report:
Consultant Craig Rapp facilitated a review of Strategic Priority Matrix work of the City Council (in black font on the attached matrix) with twenty-eight staff members on May 31st for approximately three and a half hours. Additionally, staff developed a number of strategic initiatives (in blue font on this attachment) to achieve these outcomes. The result is the attached draft matrix dated June 9, 2017.
The goal for the council worksession is to receive information on staff proposed modifications (in red font within those areas) to the Strategic Priorities, Desired Outcomes, Key Outcome Indicators, and Targets. Rapp will engage Council in discussion of the proposed amendments from staff. Rapp will be working with Council on any final adjustments to these columns with the intent to come to consensus approval by straw poll on these items.
The second goal of the meeting is to receive the draft staff prepared Strategic Initiatives and receive recommendations from Council on any modifications. Consultant Rapp will present the staff recommendations and facilitate discussion and alternative considerations for those initiatives for future inclusion for staff to amend and include for the July review.
The third and final goal of the meeting is to have a discussion on the draft Vision and Mission Statements as prepared by Rapp. Mr. Rapp will be facilitating this discussion with staff. Feedback from Council will be used to bring back for further revision for review in July.
Rapp will also explain the next phase of the Strategic Planning on Tuesday that will include staff finalization of the Strategic Initiatives and development of Action Steps to achieve those. He will further explain the process that will...
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