City of Northfield MN
File #: Res. 2025-005    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 12/16/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action: 1/7/2025
Title: Consider Resolution Approving Sponsorship of the MnDOT Transportation Alternatives Grant Application for the funding year 2029.
Attachments: 1. 1 - Transportation Alternatives Sponsorship Resolution, 2. 2 - Full Application for .pdf, 3. 3 - Lincoln Pkwy Corridor Analysis Final Report, 4. 4 - Proposed Project Layout, 5. 5 - SUPPLEMENTAL 1 - City Council Supplemental Agenda Background Memo No. 1 for January 7, 2025, 6. 6 - SUPPLEMENTAL 1 - 2024_25 TA Grant Council Presentation
City Council Meeting Date: January 7, 2025

To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator

From: David E. Bennett - Public Works Director/City Engineer
Sean M. Simonson - Engineering Manager

Consider Resolution Approving Sponsorship of the MnDOT Transportation Alternatives Grant Application for the funding year 2029.

Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council approves the attached Resolution sponsoring the 2024/25 Transportation Alternatives Solicitation for the funding year 2029.

Summary Report:
For the 2024/25 application cycle, MnDOT is conducting a solicitation for Transportation Alternatives (TA) projects (Attachment 2). The TA funding available through this solicitation is for project construction in fiscal year 2029. TA funding requires a 20 percent local match. Maximum funding awards are set by each Area Transportation Partnership.

The Transportation Alternatives Solicitation is a competitive grant opportunity for local communities and regional agencies to fund projects for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, historic preservation, Safe Routes to School and more. Minnesota will be soliciting projects for approximately $12.5 million in available grant funding across the state where the total is sub-targeted to the seven area transportation partnerships (ATP). The City of Northfield is in the Southeast Minnesota ATP, where $2,100,000. is available for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2029.

The City of Northfield completed a Corridor Analysis on Lincoln Parkway (Attachment 3), and City Council accepted this study at the February 20, 2024, City Council Meeting via Resolution 2024-019. This resolution also authorized staff to explore grant opportunities and funding partnerships for the improvements. The corridor analysis identified a preferred roadway improvement option for the entire corridor, which included four phases of construction. This grant application would address Phase 2 of the corridor ana...

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