City Council Meeting Date: February 18, 2025
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: Sean Simonson, Engineering Manager
Dave Bennett, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Consider Resolution Accepting Public Improvements and Approving Final Payment for the 2024 TH 246 East Side Trail Project (STRT2024-A79).
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council approves the attached Resolution - 2024 TH 246 East Side Trail Project (STRT2024-A79), Accepting Public Improvements and Approving Final Payment for the Project.
Summary Report:
The City Council is being asked to accept the public improvements for the TH 246 East Side Trail Project STRT2024-A79 and approve final payment to UrbanEdge Solutions & Supply LLC in the amount of $7,386.62 (Attachment 2). The contract was awarded to UrbanEdge Solutions & Supply LLC at the July 16, 2024, City Council Meeting in the amount of $514,991.10. There was one Change Order for some additional erosion control in the amount of $3,080.00 that brought the final construction contract amount to $518,071.10, which was within the approved project budget of $565,940.21. There were overruns on a few quantities, most notably on Common Excavation and Common Embankment which brought the final construction contract amount to $602,041.71.
Alternative Options:
This project is complete, and the final acceptance and payment is required to close out the construction contract.
Financial Impacts:
The total project costs for the project including construction and engineering costs were $773,411.06 compared to the $752,700.48 that was approved for the project at the time of Project Award. As stated above, overruns on Common Excavation and Common Embankment quantities coupled with additional MnDOT Office of Environments Stewardship requirements related to Geophysical Investigations due to the proximity to the Northfield Cemetery added additional engineering costs during the project design phase. The City of North...
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