City Council Meeting Date: November 21, 2023
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: Jake Reilly, Community Development Director
Comprehensive Plan Update.
Action Requested:
The City Council is asked to hear an update on the Comprehensive Plan and the Steering Committee Subcommittee.
Summary Report:
Staff will give an update on the Comprehensive Plan and the subcommittee selected from the last City Council (CC) meeting.
Steering Committee Update:
Thank you to Bill Kuhlmann, Jason Menard, Don Stager and Stiva Thorstensson of the Planning Commission for their work on compiling a list of potential subcommittee members for Mayor Pownell.
Below is the final roster for the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee as approved by City Council at their Nov. 7th meeting:
* Betsey Buckheit (Chair)
* Tracy Davis Heisler (Vice Chair)
* Brian Nowak
* Sean Allen
* Beth Kallestad
* Crystal Mulvihill
* Tyler Westman
* Willian Estrella
* Francisco E Murillo Poncianot
* Juan Trinidad
* Rachel Estrella
* Lahna Tran
* Chao Troung
* Robert Morrison
* Rhonda Pownell
* Davin Sokup
* Aki Gupta, youth representative
* Patricia Owusu, youth representative
The committee members have been contacted by the Planning Consultant team. The plan is to meet at least once before the end of 2023. Part of that work is intended to identify additional opportunities and audiences, connected via their networks, for targeted engagement
Steering committee meetings will be announced to the public and noticed as public meetings. Staff is looking into the possibility of holding steering committee meetings in the Council Chambers in order to televise meetings, similar to City boards and commissions. Staff and the consultant team intend to engage additional boards and commissions directly, during their standing meetings.
Progress Update:
The consultant team from NEOO and Stantec, along with several City staff, hosted a kick-off event at Greenvale Elementary School on Oc...
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