City Council Meeting Date: June 13, 2017
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: David E. Bennett, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Presentation and Discussion of 2018 Street Projects.
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council discusses the proposed street improvements identified in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2018.
Summary Report:
Every year, as part of the budget process, the City adopts a five-year CIP and Capital Equipment Plan. This assists the City in identifying needs and funding for Capital projects. The adopted CIP map is attached (Attachment 1) which shows the planned street improvements from 2017-2021.
In order to deliver larger street improvement projects identified in 2018, the process needs to be underway in 2017 to be bid late winter 2018. The street projects currently identified for 2018 include:
1. Reconstruction of Division St. S. from Sixth St. to Eighth St. and Seventh St. from Water St. S. to Washington St. S. (Attachment 2)
2. Mill and Overlay of Washington St. from Woodley St. to Third St. (Attachment 3). Staff is recommending that we extend the overlay to Second St.
3. Parking Lots - Overlays
a. City Hall
b. Washington St. Lot (NW Corner of Washington St. and Fifth St.)
c. Library Lot South of Third St.
4. Parking Lot - Reclamation
a. Parking Lot north of the Grand
5. Spring Creek Road Construction from Jefferson Parkway to Huron Ct. (Attachment 5)
It is anticipated that staff would package projects 1-4 listed above as one project to bid and Spring Creek Road as another stand-alone project. As these projects develop, the first step is receiving consensus that these are the projects in 2018, and then staff will prepare a Request Proposal for Professional Engineering Services.
Staff has the following general thoughts on the projects and is open to Council discussion and direction on them.
1. The reconstruction of Division St. and Seventh St. is in our downtown and will follow th...
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