City of Northfield MN
File #: BC 25-002    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Commission Item Status: Passed
File created: 1/28/2025 In control: Heritage Preservation Commission
On agenda: 2/5/2025 Final action: 2/5/2025
Title: Consideration of Draft Conditions on the Certificate of Appropriateness for the Bridge Square Reconstruction Project.
Attachments: 1. 1 - HPC Resolution 2024-010, 2. 2 - SOI Standards and Treatment Guidelines, 3. 3 - Hyperlink to 12-2024 HPC Meeting, 4. 4 - Northfield HPC Presentation 12-04-2024, 5. 5 - 2006 Streetscape Framework Plan, 6. 6 - Bridge Square 90% Design Plans and Review Package, 7. 7 - SHPO Approval 90%
HPC Meeting Date: February 5, 2025

To: Members of the Heritage Preservation Commission

From: Mathias Hughey, Associate City Planner

Consideration of Draft Conditions on the Certificate of Appropriateness for the Bridge Square Reconstruction Project.

Action Requested:
The HPC will discuss and adopt draft conditions on the Certificate of Appropriateness for the Reconstruction of Bridge Square.

Summary Report:
The City of Northfield adopted the Riverfront Enhancement Action Plan and prioritized the rehabilitation of Bridge Sq. as one of the first action steps. The city engaged in and planned for this project and worked with the HPC and SHPO to review and address the historic characteristics of Bridge Sq. and Riverside Park to ensure the proposed changes are appropriate.

At the December 2024 HPC meeting, the HPC issued a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for the proposed rehabilitation of Bridge Sq. A copy of that resolution, including findings is included as an attachment. Originally, the HPC had been directed to limit their review to the retention of the character-defining and historic features of the square - this included the Civil War Monument, the tear-drop shape of the park, the sweep of Water St., the views to the Cannon River, and preservation of any archaeological resources - and that written comments from the HPC regarding non-historic features could be compiled and provided to City Council. Upon review of the comments and concerns received, staff determined that including conditions on the COA would be the appropriate application of the HPC's authority to address the concerns raised regarding the proposed reconstruction.

Staff compiled written comments submitted by HPC members and reviewed the December 2024 meeting recording to determine which issues appeared to have consensus or received multiple comments or concerns. The features of the proposed rehabilitation which multiple commissioners expressed a desire for an alternative...

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