City of Northfield MN
File #: Res. 2024-104    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 10/29/2024 In control: Park & Recreation Advisory Board
On agenda: 11/4/2024 Final action: 11/4/2024
Title: Consider Resolution Approving the Sechler Park Long-Range Plan.
Attachments: 1. 1-Sechler Long-Range Plan Resolution.pdf, 2. 2-Parks-Open-Space_Appendix-A-Sechler.pdf, 3. 3-Sechler Park Long-Range Plan_Draft of Final Plan Document (Pages).pdf, 4. 4-2024-11-04_Sechler Park Long-Range Plan_PRAB Presentation.pdf

City Council Meeting Date:   November 4, 2024


To:                                          Park and Recreation Advisory Board


From:                                          Charlie Fredericks, Streets and Parks Manager



Consider Resolution Approving the Sechler Park Long-Range Plan.



Action Requested:                     

Consider approving a resolution for the Sechler Park Long-Range Plan.


Summary Report:

The Northfield Park and Recreation Advisory Board will receive a presentation from Bolton & Menk and Bruce Jacobson on the final Sechler Park Long-Range Plan, detailing proposed enhancements and the community-driven vision for this important park.


This initiative aligns with the city’s Strategic Plan and Riverfront Action Plan, aiming to enhance economic vitality by making Sechler Park more accessible and inviting to both residents and visitors. The long-range plan establishes a roadmap for phased improvements, enhancing the park’s appeal, usability, and integration with other nearby riverfront parks-such as Riverside Lions Park, Northfield Area Veterans Memorial Park, Babcock Park, and Ames Park-all of which contribute to the city’s broader riverfront revitalization goals.


Bolton & Menk and Bruce Jacobson Landscape Architect LLC have worked closely with city staff and various community stakeholders to develop this long-range plan. Community feedback was collected through multiple channels, including an online survey (with 152 responses), an interactive map with public comments, three pop-up tabling events, and meetings with user groups like Northfield Youth Baseball Association, Age-Friendly Northfield, and Fastpitch Softball representatives. Based on this input, two concept plans were developed, refined with further feedback, and consolidated into the final plan.


Council reviewed the concept plans on October 15, 2024, expressing a preference for Concept 1. Feedback emphasized improved accessibility via pedestrian bridges, enhanced connectivity with existing trails, and safety enhancements across the park-ranging from protective netting near baseball fields to improved parking lot safety. These elements have been incorporated into the final plan.


Staff requests that the Board consider approving a resolution to adopt the Final Long-Range Plan for Sechler Park.



Alternative Options:

The Board may request modifications to the plan and approve with changes or defer approval to a future date.


Financial Impacts:                     



Tentative Timelines:                     

ü                     July 8, 2024                                                               Park and Recreation Advisory Board Introduction

ü                     July-September, 2024                                          Community Engagement and Feedback

ü                     September 9, 2024                                          Park and Recreation Advisory Board Review of Concepts

ü                     October 15, 2024                                          City Council Review of Concepts

                     November 4, 2024                                          Park and Recreation Advisory Board Approval of Plan

                     December 3, 2024                                          City Council Final Approval of Plan