Planning Commission Meeting Date: November 21, 2024
To: Members of the Planning Commission
From: Melissa Hanson, Housing Coordinator
Mikayla Schmidt, City Planner
Jake Reilly, Community Development Director
City of Northfield Planning Commission to Review for Compliance to Comprehensive Plan the Housing and Redevelopment Authority’s Acquisition of Real Property located at 706 and 716 2nd Street West.
Action Requested:
City of Northfield Planning Commission reviews and makes a motion confirming the Housing and Redevelopment Authority’s acquisition of real property located at 706 and 716 2nd Street West from Northfield Hospital+Clinics complies with the adopted 2008 Comprehensive Plan.
Summary Report:
Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.356, subdivision 2 states that no publicly owned interest in real property within a city shall be acquired or disposed of until after the planning commission has reviewed the proposed acquisition or disposal and reported in writing to the governing body its findings as to the compliance of the proposed acquisition or disposal with the comprehensive plan.
Chapter 4 of the City of Northfield’s adopted 2008 Comprehensive Plan (CP) addresses Land Use. The purpose of the Land Use Chapter is to address how the future land use pattern will be shaped to be more efficient in terms of fiscal impacts of new development, mobility and connectivity, and guiding land use decisions that help the community protect cherished cultural and environmental resources. The CP calls for an analysis of:
1. Intent: Development proposals will reflect the spirit and values expressed in the 12 principles (statements of intent) (pages 4.9 to 4.13).
2. Location: Development proposals will be consistent with the Conservation and Development Map (page 4.18) and location descriptions (pages 4.14 to 4.15).
3. Character: Development proposals will be consistent with the Framework Map (page 4.19) and recommendations and context descriptions (pages 4.15 to 4.17).
The HRA’s mission is to be a partner in providing a sufficient supply of affordable, adequate, safe and sanitary dwellings in Northfield. Our goal is to create a community with housing opportunities available along the entire housing spectrum: from renters to homeownership, first-time homeowners to senior living, workforce housing, and empty nesters.
Northfield Hospitals+Clinics own property at 706/716 2nd Street West, adjacent to Way Park. The properties include a vacant parcel and a parcel with a single-family home that is currently unoccupied and being used by the Hospital for storage. The property is currently zoned PI-S: Public & Institution. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met on June 3, 2024, and discussed their interest in the property. They concluded the purchase of the property did not align with their operating plan and passed on the opportunity to purchase the property.
Given the identified need for additional homes in Northfield and the potential this opportunity could offer to add homes to Northfield’s supply, the HRA reviewed the opportunity to purchase the properties from the Hospital at the June 6, 2024 meeting and concluded that the acquisition has the potential to further HRA and City housing goals addressed in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan:
• The preference for accommodating future growth is in infill locations, then redevelopment/land intensification opportunities and then on the edge of existing developed areas (Principle 3).
• New and redeveloped residential communities (areas) will have strong neighborhood qualities (Principle 4).
• Environmentally sensitive and sustainable practices will be integrated into new developments and redeveloped areas (Principle 5).
• A wider range of housing choices will be encouraged - in the community as well as in neighborhoods.
• The small-town character will be enhanced (Principle 1).
The HRA acquisition and redevelopment of the property also provides an opportunity to add to the tax base as the existing use is tax-exempt.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends the Housing and Redevelopment Authority’s acquisition of real property located at 706 and 716 2nd Street West from Northfield Hospital+Clinics complies with the adopted 2008 Comprehensive Plan.
Alternative Options:
The Planning Commission could deny the acquisition of 706 ad 716 2nd Street West complies with the 2008 CP.
Financial Impacts:
The potential housing redevelopment opportunities could add to the City’s tax base.
Tentative Timelines:
November 12, 2024: Council to consider calling a Public Hearing for the sale of Real Property
November 21, 2024: Planning Commission considers compliance with the 2008 Comprehensive Plan
November 26, 2024: Council to hold Public Hearing for sale of Real Property and approve the sale and removal of restrictive covenants.
December 2024: Real estate closing