City Council Meeting Date: June 13, 2017
To: Mayor and City Council
City Administrator
From: David E. Bennett, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Presentation and Discussion of 2018 Street Projects.
Action Requested:
The Northfield City Council discusses the proposed street improvements identified in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2018.
Summary Report:
Every year, as part of the budget process, the City adopts a five-year CIP and Capital Equipment Plan. This assists the City in identifying needs and funding for Capital projects. The adopted CIP map is attached (Attachment 1) which shows the planned street improvements from 2017-2021.
In order to deliver larger street improvement projects identified in 2018, the process needs to be underway in 2017 to be bid late winter 2018. The street projects currently identified for 2018 include:
1. Reconstruction of Division St. S. from Sixth St. to Eighth St. and Seventh St. from Water St. S. to Washington St. S. (Attachment 2)
2. Mill and Overlay of Washington St. from Woodley St. to Third St. (Attachment 3). Staff is recommending that we extend the overlay to Second St.
3. Parking Lots - Overlays
a. City Hall
b. Washington St. Lot (NW Corner of Washington St. and Fifth St.)
c. Library Lot South of Third St.
4. Parking Lot - Reclamation
a. Parking Lot north of the Grand
5. Spring Creek Road Construction from Jefferson Parkway to Huron Ct. (Attachment 5)
It is anticipated that staff would package projects 1-4 listed above as one project to bid and Spring Creek Road as another stand-alone project. As these projects develop, the first step is receiving consensus that these are the projects in 2018, and then staff will prepare a Request Proposal for Professional Engineering Services.
Staff has the following general thoughts on the projects and is open to Council discussion and direction on them.
1. The reconstruction of Division St. and Seventh St. is in our downtown and will follow the Downtown Street Scape Framework Plan. Along with the Framework Plan, we will review the proposed improvements as part of the City’s Complete Streets Policy to guide the improvements. Specifically, as we prepare the RFP for professional services those two items will specifically be addressed with recommendation in the preparation of the Feasibility Report.
2. The Washington Street Mill and Overlay project could be expanded to include the following:
a. The temporary delineator bump outs at Washington and Fifth St. would be constructed permanently with curb and gutter.
b. Sidewalk that currently ends on the west side of Washington St. at the library be extended to Second St. This would require bumping in the west curb line.
c. The sidewalk adjacent to City Hall could be moved adjacent to the curb line due to heavy activity from the public accessing the Motor Vehicle office. This boulevard has worn paths and is full of mud in the spring.
3. Spring Creek Road
a. The City is proposing to use State-Aid funding and developer dedicated funding for upgrading this roadway. It is a State-Aid route from Woodley St. to Jefferson Parkway.
b. Consider extending improvements south of Jefferson Parkway to Superior Drive. The developer set aside some funding for improving this segment with the Hills of Spring Creek Fourth Addition. Additional non-state aid funding would be necessary.
c. The roadway is classified as a major collector and would be improved to an urban street following our street types outlined in the City transportation plan and LDC. Staff has heard from townships that this is a primary agricultural farm route and should support those movements. Along, with being classified as a major collector, this corridor will not have direct residential driveway access until you get north of Spring Creek by Sumac Lane. On the Street and Parks Open Space and Trail System Plan, Spring Creek Road is identified with a ‘Linking Trail.” Staff is anticipating sidewalk on one side and trail on another to be consistent with the plan. Parking on the street would be restricted on Spring Creek Road from Jefferson Parkway north to where Spring Creek crosses. The road would consist of two travel lanes and two shoulders that could accommodate on-street biking.
The proposed project timeline is attached for these projects. The next step is to solicit proposals for professional engineering services.
As we move into the development of the CIP for 2018-2022 there are a couple of things to keep in mind:
1. City has indicated they will cost share on CSAH 1 pedestrian improvements.
2. City has completed the TH 246 and Jefferson Parkway Study and identified improvements.
a. MnDot is reviewing our funding request for the roundabout as part of their 2021 Municipal Cooperative Agreement Program. The City is expecting to hear something late summer on this request.
b. Turn lane modification onto Raider Drive could be added to the 2018 Street Project, or program at a later time with another state aid project.
c. The City could pursue funding through the transportation alternative program with MnDot for the sidewalk on TH 246 and school crossing at the High School. If we are not successful, improvements could be made with other funding such as state-aid.
d. The City has the ability to advance up to $3 million in state-aid funds. State-aid funds can be used on state highways. TH 246 could be turned back to the City and turn back money could be used to fund these projects.
3. The County is overlaying County Road 79 east of Spring Creek Road and possibly reclaiming west of Spring Creek Road. The City would cost share at 45% of the improvements west of Spring Creek Road in 2019.
4. The Spring Creek Road Bridge over Spring Creek is due for replacement and would be programmed to coordinate with state bridge funds.
Financial Impacts:
Costs for the 2018 projects are outlined in the CIP, but will be updated in the Feasibility Reports.
Tentative Timelines:
Authorize RFP for professional services June 20th, July 11 or July 18th.