City of Northfield MN
File #: Res. 2025-024    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/6/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Order Advertisement for Bids for the 2025 Reclamation and Overlay Project (STRT2025-A80).
Attachments: 1. 1 - Resolution - Approve Plans and Specifications, 2. 2 - Link to Final Plans, 3. 3 - Project Location Map, 4. 4 - Project Process
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City Council Meeting Date:  February 18, 2025


To:                         Mayor and City Council

                      City Administrator


From:   Sean Simonson, Engineering Manager

                       David E. Bennett, PE - Public Works Director/City Engineer




Consider Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Order Advertisement for Bids for the 2025 Reclamation and Overlay Project (STRT2025-A80).



Action Requested:

The Northfield City Council approves the attached Resolution (Attachment 1) Approving the Plans and Specifications for the 2025 Reclamation and Overlay Project (STRT2025-A80) and Authorizes the Ad for Bid.


Summary Report:

City Council Accepted the Feasibility Report and Authorized Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2025 Reclamation and Overlay Project at the September 17, 2024, City Council meeting via Resolution 2024-097 which included the following improvements (Attachment 3):


                     Laurel Court (pavement reclamation)

                     Industrial Drive (pavement reclamation)

                     Maple Street from Jefferson Parkway to Ford Street (mill and overlay)

                     Lake Drive from Jefferson Parkway to Maple Street (mill and overlay)

                     Superior Drive from Erie Drive to Maple Street (mill and overlay)

                     Maple Street from Jefferson Parkway to Ford Street (off-street trail)

                     Laurel Court (off-street trail)

                     Maple Street and Superior Drive (crossing improvements)

                     Superior Drive (crossing improvements)


There has been one change to the project during the final design. Staff performed soil borings and traffic counts on Industrial Drive to aid with the pavement design for this portion of the project. Staff have discovered the existing soil types and existing road base materials are not sufficient to support the traffic loads this industrial area is accustomed to. Staff have consulted with the geotechnical engineer from the design consultant, and they have recommended a full-depth pavement/road section replacement for this project area to support the proposed traffic loads this road receives. This change will require the removal of the exiting pavement section and underlying soils and replace them with a new road section that includes 8” of new gravel base, and 6” of new bituminous pavement in lieu of the pavement reclamation. This change has increased the street costs from the feasibility report. Staff believe this change is necessary to provide a sufficient road section. 


Staff held a third neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, to present final plans to adjacent property owners along the project corridor. There were no strong opinions against the proposed design that is being proposed, and overall feedback was positive about the upcoming project. Staff also met individually with representatives from Mom Brands Company, (Post) Cardinal CG Company (Cardinal Glass) and Convenience Store Investments (Kwik Trip), who are all adjacent property owners along the project corridor, to discuss operational needs throughout the construction project. Staff have included special provisions in the project specifications to address the needs of these property owners during the construction project.


Alternative Options:

The City Council could delay this project; however, the deterioration of these roads will continue.


Financial Impacts:

This project will be funded through a variety of sources including Bonding, Franchise Fees, Capital Reserve Fund, Storm Fund, Sanitary Fund, and Water Fund. The proposed project costs and funding tables are below:





Tentative Timelines:                     

See the attached project process (Attachment 4) which details the timeline for the 2025 Reclamation and Overlay Project.